ISELP / Brussels, 2019

Patrice Gaillard
Laurent de Sutter
Contextual proposal
Yuri Lewitt
Collaborative work


16 paintings (various formats), printed greenkey background, chat algorithm, sounds

The work presented by  Alec De Busschère at ISELP revolves around two axes. Firstly, it gives life to sixteen personalities among the fifty-five names belonging to the UNEXISTANT series: Henry Icindue, Naguru Uniwest, Rosaline Llitybal... The mediums (resins, chromes, canvases) vary according to the profiles established. Then, each portrait enters into discussion with the others in a "chat" via the integration of sound and/or virtual elements created in partnership with Laurent de Sutter (texts), Patrice Gaillard (programming) and Yuri Lewitt (sound design).


At a time when the virtual is becoming increasingly important, Alec De Busschère associates his pictorial gesture with digital language. By combining the age-old tradition of portraiture with the meanders of social networks, the artist questions the place of identity: when does it move from the virtual world to the real? The polymorphic and multimedia components of the exhibition UNEXISTANT take the visitor on a journey through the identity quest of each of the fictional personalities interacting in the exhibition space.


Curator: Catherine Henkinet


For more information



'Paul Sernine vs Herlock Sholmes' : excerpt of a speech by Joël Benzakin (ISELP, April 4, 2019)

UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis



Muriel De Crayencour, "Faux amis à l'ISELP", Mu in the City, 21 mai 2019.



UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, web chat, Brussels, 2019
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, web chat, Brussels, 2019
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
UNEXISTANT at ISELP, Brussels, 2019 © Isabelle Arthuis
