Objet intermédiaire

"Happy end", group show, BLAC / Brussels, 2006

Contextual proposal

130 filament bulbs, aluminum, animation by DMX controller
448 x 70 cm
Curators: Joël Benzakin et Michèle Lachowsky

Objet intermédiaire presents... on the black screen, the cinema is still to be made, and the credits, an interlude remaining alone on the stage, does not stop calling it, by the loop of its appearances. But then who presents what to whom? It is as you like, to the viewer to make the picture, to write the history of which Objet intermédiaire will be the opening or the trace. As in the systems of gift for gift described by the anthropologist Marcel Mauss, the gift is worth for itself, the present presents itself, offers itself in its nakedness, the word is performed like a silent cry, the promise of a party or its distant echo. Tautological object, taken in a Hollywood dream of which it is left to determine if it is twilight or in its infancy: this analogical assembly of some hundred and thirty bulbs, simple electric signal, exposes its work. It will place us before the invention of the cinema or after its disappearance, according to the point of view. We are orphans with him on our hands, caught in an endless transition, an eternal present that calls and remembers.

Sarah Michel
